Reach Out to Others


Every part of the church body is important. God has given you unique talents and interests, and there’s a place to use them at Second CRC! We have programs and ministries for people of all ages.

Use Your Gifts to Serve Others

God calls us to be his hands and feet, reaching out to a hurting world through love and service. Our members are involved in a lot of ministries and volunteer opportunities. It would be impossible to keep this list complete and current, because members are always discovering a new way to serve! If you would like more information about any of these opportunities, please contact us.

Members of our congregation fix up donated vehicles, and then coordinate with local service providers to equip community members for auto ownership. When candidates are ready, they receive a vehicle. If you’re a mechanic, or have a car to donate, we need you! (Contact us)

We partner with Love in Action to teach classes on budgeting and stewardship, as a way to encourage financial independence. We need volunteers to teach classes and to mentor class members.(Contact us)

Community members with disabilities are paired with a friend from Second CRC, and together they experience the joy of God’s love. Weekly meetings focus on praise time, simple Bible lessons and refreshments. We always need more volunteers to be friends or to make treats! (Contact us or check calendar)

The Outreach Committee identifies ways we can connect with the community. We support existing organizations and programs, and also attempt to fill unmet needs. If you have a passion for serving others, this is a great opportunity for you! (Contact us)